Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc. offers community shred day events to Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin area communities and businesses since 2002. For many years we partnered with the City of Houston, Department of Neighborhood, Citizens Assistance Division in providing free shred day events throughout Houston area community. Each year we partner with a number of various charities throughout the State of Texas including the Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Austin Metropolitan areas in offering these community shred day events at no charge; however, unfortunately we have a limited number of these events that we can allocate each fiscal year.
As a “For Profit” Business with the rising costs of labor and materials like man of our competitors we are unable to offer our services for free for every single event. We do offer very competitive rates to our Shred Day Events hosts in providing these events. Many of our event host company’s obtain sponsors to offset the costs of the event. Some offer the Shred Day Events at “No Charge” while others request a “Monetary Donation” to a charity of their choice. Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc. will be more than happy to work closely with you to make your Shred Day Event a success!
For More Information On Our Shred Day Events please contact us today!
‘Shred Day’ Program 2022
Identity theft is one of the nation’s fastest-growing, most expensive criminal enterprises. Every year more than 25,000 Texans report being victims of identity theft with thousands more unaware that their information and bank accounts have been targeted!
Few people realize that there are both economic and time costs in having your identity stolen and the amount of time it takes to restore it.
- $7,120 is the average amount a victim of identity theft loses per reported incident
- The average identity theft victim spends an over 30 hours recovering from each identity theft incident.
Partner with a Leader in the Document Shredding Industry with a “Shred Day” Event for your business or organization! “Shred Day” events are a great way to raise money for your Business, Church, Youth Group, etc. while preserving the environment and supporting a worth cause, the Wounded Warrior Project!
A well-promoted and organized Shred Day Event with Data Shredding Services has a variety of benefits including:
- Provides a Needed & Valuable Service
- Promotes Identity Theft Awareness & Education
- Environmentally Friendly Event – All Paper Material is 100% Recycled!
- A Percentage of all Proceeds Support the Wounded Warrior Project
- Provides Positive Exposure for your Company or Organization!
- A Great Way to Raise Additional Revenue